Migrants’ Capacities for the Moldovan Health System Development
This project aims at a win-win-win scenario for all the actors involved: the Moldovan health system would gain not only from the knowledge of its medical Diaspora scientists and practitioners, but would also get interconnected with the education and research institutions in medical sciences as well as with hospitals, clinics, health resorts, etc. in the migrants’ resident countries; the host institutions would continue to benefit from the output of the Moldovan Diaspora scientists and the scientists themselves could invest their knowledge in these common activities and get on this way the chance to be involved in country’s development in the field of health having in the same time the choice to keep their professional and social status in the countries of residence.
Data collection:
In the first three months of the project implementation the SMPhU will conduct a study on current strengths and weaknesses of the Moldovan health system and will work out specific terms of reference based on requirements provided by Moldovan health institutions. At the same time MIL will work out an extensive database of all the Moldovan Diaspora doctors and pharmacists (scientists, practitioners and students) working in the EU countries.
Working visits:
The Migrants participants that will present the most feasible proposals for institutional co-operation, joint research projects, common teaching platforms, etc. will be offered the possibility to work out these projects within working visits. The visits will have duration of max. 6 days. MIL and the University will assist the participants during these working visits, offering the necessary administrative support and academic supervision. The participants at the working visits will present at the end to MIL and the University the results of their interaction in form of elaborated proposals for institutional partnerships, common activities, concepts of joint projects, plans for teaching and/or research activities in Moldova, etc.
Work with the Moldovan institutions:
MIL will provide the University with the results of the conducted interviews with the interested Moldovan Diaspora scientists. The University will contact the suitable Moldovan health institutions and identify their interest in co-operation, common research, students’ exchanges, internships, teachers, e-learning and e-teaching, etc. and will select the participants at the workshop from the Moldovan side.
Multi panel workshop:
All the selected Moldovan Diaspora doctors and pharmacists and the representatives of the Moldovan health institutions will participate in a multi panel workshop. The panels of the workshop will correspond to the main fields of specialization of the participants and enable on this way multi institutional co-operation with a greater involvement of the Diaspora. The Moldovan migrants will present their main research foci and/or the concrete ideas for co-operation, common research projects, etc. to the representatives of the Moldovan Institutions. Depending on the results of the workshop and on the co-operation ideas a plan for working visits for the Moldovan Diaspora scientists to the Moldovan institutions will be worked out. The workshop will be organised in Chişinău.
Internal meeting:
The representatives of MIL and the University, the most active Moldovan Migrants and representatives of the involved Moldovan institutions will meet in Chisinau for elaborating recommendations for follow up programming and policy recommendations to the Moldovan Government.
Round table:
Immediately after the internal meeting a round table with representatives of the Moldovan Government, of the diplomatic corps and the international organisations in Chisinau, as well as of the civil society and of the media will be organised. During this round table the main results of the project and the recommendations both for follow up programming and for the Moldovan Government will be presented.

Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Baerwald
Dr. Victoria Reinhardt und
Dr. Marina Dumbrava
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