Migrants’ Capacities for the Moldovan Health System Development
This project aims at a win-win-win scenario for all the actors involved: the Moldovan health system would gain not only from the knowledge of its medical Diaspora scientists and practitioners, but would also get interconnected with the education and research institutions in medical sciences as well as with hospitals, clinics, health resorts, etc. in the migrants’ resident countries; the host institutions would continue to benefit from the output of the Moldovan Diaspora scientists and the scientists themselves could invest their knowledge in these common activities and get on this way the chance to be involved in country’s development in the field of health having in the same time the choice to keep their professional and social status in the countries of residence.
Ausgangslage und Zielsetzung
This project aims at exploring the potential of Moldovan Diaspora doctors and pharmacists (scientists, practitioners , students) for the development of the Moldovan health system through a well targeted co-operation between the host institutions of the Moldovan migrants currently working in the health system of the EU member states and the interested medical institutions of the Republic Moldova, common research and co-operation projects, joint initiatives for students’ exchange and internships, e-teaching and e-learning, common publications, etc. The project will start with the parallel work on a complex database of the Moldovan Medical Diaspora in the EU and on a study on the strengths and the weaknesses of the Moldovan Health System (the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemitanu”, (SMPhU) Republic of Moldova). MIL will advertise the project through the local media and through its network of co-operation and will conduct interviews with the respective representatives of the Moldovan Diaspora from the EU. All the interested Moldovan Diaspora doctors and pharmacists will be invited to a multi panel workshop with representatives of the Moldovan institutions (education and research institutions, hospitals, clinics, health resorts, etc.) organised by the SMPhU in Chisinau. The final goal of the workshop will be to identify the potential for common activities, research projects, teaching assignments (including e-teaching and e-learning), etc. and to establish a network of co-operation with the host institutions from the EU.
This project aims at a win-win-win scenario for all the actors involved: the Moldovan health system would gain not only from the knowledge of its medical Diaspora scientists and practitioners, but would also get interconnected with the education and research institutions in medical sciences as well as with hospitals, clinics, health resorts, etc. in the migrants’ resident countries; the host institutions would continue to benefit from the output of the Moldovan Diaspora scientists and the scientists themselves could invest their knowledge in these common activities and get on this way the chance to be involved in country’s development in the field of health having in the same time the choice to keep their professional and social status in the countries of residence.
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Baerwald
Dr. Victoria Reinhardt und
Dr. Marina Dumbrava
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